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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Merritt Genealogy 1921, courtesy of Newtown, Conn. Historical Society. 

April 22, 1921
Washington, D.C.

Dear Cousin Jennie:

I don’t know how many letters I owe you, & this will be the fitting reply to any of them, but I must at once tell you that I rec’d the book safely. [Newtown’s History and Historian, Ezra L Johnson, compiled by Jane Eliza Johnson, the Jennie above, 1919].  It came yesterday morning, just after I had created chaos here in my one room, about ten o’clock…a few minutes & open the book, for I couldn’t wait to look at it!  Please mum, there I sat until plumb twelve o’clock & time to go to luncheon!!...

But I have gone back to my ancestors, & yours, & dear old Newtown & my young days there & remember my father’s abiding love for his native home, and recalled how he & Aunt Julia used to sit for hours and talk over those old familiar names & scenes.

I had an absorbing time… 

…I was glad of the sentences about my great-great grandfather, John Merritt, who came from the North of Ireland.  Do you know if he was a native of Ireland?  I’ve always felt a bit proud of my bit of Irish blood!  I am of British ancestry, sure—Irish and English, and on my mother’s side, Scotch & English.  And my grandfather Loomis was a Vermonter—a “Green Mountain Boy” – I’ve been proud of that.  I wish I had been more careful to get facts of genealogy when those now done were here & c—have told me.  To of my great-nieces [perhaps Irene Merritt, daughter of Isaac Merritt, of Denver, and Ruth Eileen Merritt, daughter of Frank Merritt, of Milford, Iowa] have wanted such facts that would admit them to the D.A.R. … The D.A.R. is here now this week in National Congress as it annually is in April (the week that has April 19th in it, you know – Lexington Day).   This afternoon they were all “received” at the White House.

My great-grandfather, John Merritt, of “Merritt Hill”, I have always understood, was in the Revolutionary Army, But can it be proven?   The D.A.R. demand more than a “say—so”.  They will accept the evidence of an old diary or journal, I understand.  Also the sworn statement of some one reliable, I think.  I have made several beginnings at tracing records here, but am unable to keep it up persistently… Had just started afresh, at the D.A.R. library when my accident broke my shoulder…

I am hoping to start in soon at the Library of Congress & try again.  The D.A.R. felt sure I c— find some proofs there but I doubt it for I have tried before.  I know of no Merritt genealogy, do you?  If you c—tell me anything – Merritt or Sanford – that could be put forward as claims for Service in the Revolutionary War, I should be glad for it!  I’ve never heard of any Sanford in it, but it can’t be there were none. 

My great-grandfather, Rufus Chase, was in the War—that I know, but am still searching for proofs & can find no Chase genealogy. There is a volumimous Loomis genealogy in the Lib. Of Congress… I made many notes from it before we went to California, but at that time not with any desire to prove for the D.A.R.  I found my grandfather’s name [Roswell Loomis, Jr.] and traced it back to the ancestor who came from England in 1630.  I do think families ought to be thoughtful to preserve their line of descent in reliable records…
But I do thank you.

I enclose stamps for the postage on the book – 12 cents.  And now take my congratulations please…

With love Cynthia [Merritt]

…Hurrah for Harding!  You can’t think what a relieved atmosphere pervades this city since March 4th.   As the new rector of Epiphany said in a sermon--  “God bless him!”



No proof found that John Merrit was in the Revolutionary War, though he may have been  a
soldier in the French and Indian War, with his brother.   John and his wife, Abigail Wheeler Merrit seemed to have moved to her father's land in Huntingtown, in Newtown, when it was wilderness, and no one knew which town it was in.  It was possibly a good way to avoid the draft into the service.

I also do not have any proof that Jonathan Sanford was in the Revolutionary War.  The Newtown history of Ezra Johnson says that his great-grandfather was too ill to be drafted into the Revolutionary Army. Perhaps this was his great-grandfather Jonathan Sanford.  

There is a good Chase genealogy book published in 1933.  Cynthia was able to see some of it about her family before her death when parts were published in the New England Genealogical and Historical Society journal.   The D.A.R. lineage books had a number of people who used Rufus Chase as their ancestor who served in the Revolutionary War.  His service is well documented.

The John Merrit may be our ancestor, or it may have been George Merrit.  No  evidence has been seen on a John Merrit; records were burned in the coastal towns during the War.  

No evidence seen on our Irish Ancestry...  

The are a couple of Loomis genealogies... none back up our claim the Roswell Loomis, Jr. married our Electa Chase before he died.  One says that he died before they would have have been married.  However, Electa's family had named a son Roswell Loomis Chase, and that seems to indicate that they knew and admired, or grieved him.  

List of Deeds when Abijah Merrit (1775-1854) was grantee.

NEWTOWN CT          General Index to Deeds (Grantee) A-M (1792-1933) Microfilm #1719-20
MERRITT, Abijah and his wife Hannah Sanford Merrit
 1800     Abijah         FROM     Jotham Sherman             Vol. 21            pg. 51            War  (Warranty)
 1805        “                      “         John Hubbell                          23                  355         Mtg  (Mortgage)
1807      Abijah               “         Samuel Sanford                     25                   374        War
1807     Hannah              “         Zalmon Sanford                     25                   144      QC    (Quit Claim)
1807      Abijah               “          John Merritt                           25                   63                 QC
1807          “                      “         Dolly B. Merrett                     25                   69                 QC
          Note: Dolly is his sister; original deed is in Newtown Library, worn and dirty, folds are worn thru the paper, the most worn of all.  Folded in half, top to bottom, and then thirds.  Two pieces of land in Newtown and one piece of land in Huntington (Sharon) from her inheritance from their mother Abigail Wheeler Merrit.   $100 paid to Dolly, worth $2040 in 2014 money.   She was born 1773, died 1858.
1810          “                    “           Elias B. Crofut                         26                   158                Mtg
1810          “                     “           John Sanford                          26                   187               War
1810          “                     ”           David Burr                               26                   143               Mtg
1811          ”                     ”           Isaac Sanford etal                  27                    9                   War
1811          “                     ”           Eli Winton                                28                   115                Mtg
1813          “                     ”           John Sanford                           27                   417                 War
1813           “                     “          Isaac Stanford etal                 27                   439                 War
1814     Hannah              “           Joseph Dick                             27                         481               QC                                                                        
1815      Abijah                   “           Martin Judson                        28                   306                  Mtg
1816          “                       “           Hulda Sanford etal                 28                  563                  QC
1816         "                        "            John Hubbel                           28                   182                  Mtg
1816          “                       “            Nehemiah Skidmore             28                   307                  Mtg
1821          “                        “            Daniel Perry                           30                   136                 War
1821           “                       “            Moses Parsons                      30                   135                  Mtg
1821           “                        “           Thomas Sanford                    30                    49                   Mtg
1821           “    etal              “           Lein.? S. Landers                   30                    68                   War
1824            "                         "          Martin Judson                        30                    528                Mtg
1824            “    etal               “          Nichols Curtis                         31                   427                QC
1826            Abijah                ”          Benj. Curtis etal                      31                   627                QC
1826            "            “               “          “       “                  31                   633                QC
1826             “          “           John Tellon?                       31                   275                Mtg
1826            “             “         Abijah B. Curtis                   32                  107                War
        Note: A piece of land 7 acres and 20 rods in Sandy Hook at Pootatuck brook; a worn and dirty deed, the original is in the Newtown Library.    $124 paid, worth $2950 in 2014.  Abijah B. Curtis born 1771, died 1858, Newtown, Conn.
1827            “             “         Chas. T. Burritt etal            32                   642                QC
1828            “   etal   “         Thomas B. Barnurd             32                   240                Mtg
1829           “             “          Alfred D. Curtis                   32                   303                Mtg
1829            “             “         Joseph Burritt etal              32                   642               QC
1829             “            “          Henry Burritt etal               32                   299               War
1829             “           “          Abner Judson                       32                   292               War
1832             “            “          Seeley Tomlinson                33                   263               Mtg
1833             “            “          Kellogg Berry                        33                   396               Mtg
1834             “    etal   “        Martin Judson                      34                    26                 Mtg
1834             “             “          Dimmon Blackman             34                     58                Mtg
1836              “             “          Ezekiel Beers                       34                      245             War
1836              “              “         Abel Botsford                      34                      236             War
1838               “             “         Elijah Sanford                      35                      167              Mtg
1839                “              “        Aneariah Beers                  35                      507              QC
1839               “               “        Henry Beers                         35                      508             QC
1839               “               “        Comfort Tousey                   35                     264            War
1841               “                “       Moss H. Crofut                     36                      514            QC
1843               “                “        Moss H. Crofut                    36                      244           Mtg
1847          Abijah     FROM     Agnes Platt                      Vol 37               Pg. 604           Mtg      

Copied 15 Oct 1981 Conn. State Library, Hartford   by Edie Mindemann.

Notes: from Gordon Merritt 4 Nov 2014.


NEWTOWN CT General Index to Deed (Grantor) A—M (1792-1933) Microfilm #1721-22

l807    Dolly B.       to      Abijah Merrit                     25    Vol.          69  page         QC  (Quit Claim)
1807    John Merritt etal   to      Abijah Merritt        25                     63                   QC
1807    Abijah     to          Russell B. Sherwood          25                     339                 War (Warrant)
1807         “           “            Russell L. Sherwood          25                    330                 QC
1807         “            “            Daniel Sherwood              25                    340                War
1807         “            “            Hezekiah ? Patterson           25                    341                War
1807        “             “           John Hubbell                            25                       131                 QC
1807          “              “           Daniel Perry                           25                    451                War
1807          “              “           Zalmon Sanford                    25                       143                 War
1807           "             "               “              “                              25                    145                 QC
1809          “              “           Joseph Dick                           25                       237                  QC
1810          “               “          Elias B. Crofut                       27                       328                  QC
1812?       “              “           Joseph Dick                           27                     773                    War
1814?       “ etal      “         Lemuel Camp                         29?                      533                 QC
1814           “              “           Joseph Dick                           27                        481                 QC  
Note: "Thursday March 3 1814 we Sold our House to Mr. Joseph Dick with the reserve of    
living here four years if we like                                                        
But in 1815 we begin to feel willing to leave the house."  [Hannah Merrit's diary; wife of Abijah]
1815?        “              “          Rachel Beers                          28                        624                QC
1816            “             “          Zalmon Sanford                    28                        573                  QC
1816?         “            “           Zalmon Sanford                     28?                    364                  War
1816?         “             “          David Meeker etal                28                     327?                 War
1816 Abijah         TO        Eli Winton                      V01 28               Pg. 558               Mtg (Mortgage)
1818           “             “           Peter Lewis                            29                       230                   QC
1819 Abijah           “            Abraham Bradley                  29                      384                   QC
1820?        “            “            Joseph Dick                             29                      610                   War
1820         “ etal      “           Za1mon Sanford                        30                   673?                 QC
1821          “              “           Amos Wills                                30                     167                    War
1825           “             “           Nichols Curtis                            31                    515                      QC
1826       Abijah       TO        Zalmon Sanford              Vol. 31                      pg. 638 or 639    QC
1826            “            “           Abijah B. Curtis                 52                           788                         QC
1828?         “            “           ?      Judson                        30                           636                         QC
1830?         “            “           Julia Johnson                     32                           404                         War
1832             “ etal   "         Edmund Fairchild               39                           646                         QC
1833             “            “          Kellogg Berry                     33                           720                         QC
1835              “            “         Joseph Dick etal                34                           204                        War
1836               “            “        Ammon Williams              34                           410?                       QC
1836                “           “        Sally Beers                          34                           246                         War
1837?             “          “         Benj. Curtis                         35                           411?                       Lease
1837              “            “         Henry Glover                    34                           370                         War
1838?            “ etal    “       Seeley Tomlinson            35                           474?                       QC
1839              “             “        Kellogg Berry                     35                           505                         Mtg
1841              “             “        Richard Hyde etal             35                           689                         QC
1844              “             “        Moss H. Crofut                  36                           719                         QC
1844?           “             “        Elijah Sanford                    36                           S01                        War QC
1850?           “ etal     “       Edmund Fairchild             39                           430                         QC
18?                “              “       Philo Curtis etal                 38                           675                        QC
Copied 15 Oct 1981, Edie Mindermann, Conn. State Library, Hartford CT

                              Original deed from Newtown Library, 1807, a very worn document.